Salmon Knives

De hoja larga y semiflexible. Estos cuchillo sirven para cortar y servir lonchas de salmón muy finas. También son usados para cortar y dividir bases para tartas


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What is a salmon knife used for?

The salmon knife is one of the preferred kitchen accessories for fish lovers, especially those who enjoy savoring a good oven-baked salmon, marinated salmon, or any type of salmon recipe.

The rounded and flexible tip of this type of knife allows for slicing thin slices of salmon as if you were a true professional chef. Additionally, using a knife specifically designed for this food ensures that the fish retains its nutritional properties and rich flavor.


You can use cutting boards to help you cut the salmon more quickly and with greater precision.


Characteristics of a salmon knife

Salmon knives are easily recognizable for having a long, flexible blade, and certain models may have a scalloped edge. They are very similar to traditional ham knives.

The small grooves on the blade prevent the fish from sticking during the cutting process. The blade is usually around 24 to 30 cm long. It can also be used to prepare other fish besides salmon.


Steps for sharpening a carpaccio or salmon knife

The best way to maintain the sharpness of this type of knife, specifically designed for salmon, is by using a honing steel. It is an essential tool in your home that allows you to realign the edge of any knife.


Buying a salmon knife at Arcos

Forget about using a ham knife and start preparing your delicious salmon dishes with a salmon knife. At Arcos, you will find a wide selection of these knives so you can choose the one that suits you best.

Ask our experts about knives, and they will assist you in selecting your new salmon knife and other kitchen accessories for your home.