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Discover your next set of pans here.

Durable, excellent quality, and with a wide variety of sizes. In the pots and pans section of Arcos, you will find models of all kinds to unleash the chef within you. Among all of them, one of the most recommended for your home are the induction pans. Made of stainless steel or aluminum. Whichever you prefer!

Take a look at Arcos' online store and enjoy your favorite recipes with a new flavor.

Large and small pans for every home.

To choose the best set of pans for you, you must take into account certain usage characteristics:

  • Frequency of cooking.
  • Size of your kitchen.
  • Type of gas.
  • From induction pans to glass-ceramic, gas, or electric.
  • Number of family members.

Stainless steel pans and aluminum pans are some of the most popular within the realm of pots and pans. But they are not the only materials you will find at Arcos.

What are pans used for?

Pans are usually used to heat all kinds of liquids, cook food, and even reheat some of your recipes.

Buying a set of pans at Arcos.

Find at Arcos the collection of pans made with top-quality materials to assist you every day in your kitchen. You can choose pan models with lids or other special pots for any home appliances such as the oven. Exclusive brands like Thera, Samoa, and Kaula.

With this essential kitchen utensil, you can prepare delicious and healthy recipes for all the diners in your home. What are you waiting for? Reserve your next pans now and enjoy the incredible delicacy that is eating.