Kitchen Scissors


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What are kitchen scissors?

Kitchen scissors have become one of the essential accessories in any household and an additional item to the knife collection.

This tool greatly facilitates our lives when it comes to chopping meat, cutting certain vegetables, and cleaning fish. Its wide blade and sharp edge will ensure a completely straight and clean cut, without damaging the food at any moment.

They are very easy to wash, sharpen, and maintain in perfect condition.

At Arcos, you can find different models of kitchen scissors according to their use and shapes. The most popular ones are usually the poultry scissors and the fish scissors.

What to consider when choosing the best kitchen scissors

There are certain details to consider when choosing the most suitable Arcos scissors model for your kitchen:

  • Size: Kitchen scissors usually have a standard size of about 20-25 cm. However, there are also smaller models that you can use for smaller pieces.
  • Shape of sharp blades: Large and robust blades that are very well sharpened.
  • Material: At Arcos, all our scissors are made of stainless steel with adaptable colored handles. This makes it easier to grip and use them.
  • Ergonomics: They should be comfortable for regular use in the kitchen.

How to use multi-purpose kitchen scissors?

In the kitchen, the most common uses of this type of scissors are cutting and separating tissues of meats and fishes, poultry, cutting bones, separating pizzas, and cutting vegetables.

Buy Arcos scissors for your kitchen

In our scissors section, you can find the best models for cutting all the foods you desire in your kitchen. Additionally, you can complete your collection of accessories and home items with sewing scissors and manicure scissors.